On the 30th of Janaury 2020 at the EUKI Hungarian conference the manager of SOLTUB Ltd. hold a presentation in the thematic " Nutrient management and GHG emissions"
In the frame of H2020 Nutri2Cycle project the National Task Force (NTF) in nutrient management was established on the 29th of October, 2019
The project " Biodiversity standards and labels for the food industry" received support under the LIFE programe in 2016. The partners Global Nature Fund, Lake Constance Foundation, Agentur AUF, Solagro, Fundation Global Nature, Agroforgood, Instituto Superior Tecnico main objective is to improve the biodiversity performance of standards and labels within the food industry by supporting standard organisations to include efficient biodiversity criteria into their schemes and motivating food processing companies and retailers to include biodiversity criteria into their sourcing guideline . The link is available at
The Hungarian EIP AGRI call for proposal is available at
The draft of the EIP AGRI call for proposal was released in February 2017 and is available for public consultation on
SOLTUB Ltd. as partner and WP2 leader in the FP7 INEMAD project, presented the poster Digestate environmental footprint at the ManuResource conference in 2015 ( and common INEMAD and GR3 conference in 2016 March. Please visit the INEMAD project website.
The final conference of the INEMAD project will take place on the 16-17 March, 2016 at Ghent University in Belgium. Registration is available on the project website
The EIP AGRI NAIK presentation on February 2016. is available on the EIP AGRI link (HU version)
SOLTUB Ltd. was invited to the EIP AGRI meeting on circular economy in agriculture and forestry in Finland, Naantali Link
The European Sustainability Phosphorous Platform (ESPP) edited a draft version on the struvite ( magnezium- ammonium -phosphate) quality requirements for use as fertilizer. The draft version is available at
In the frame of the EIP AGRI fertilizers efficiency focus group the mini paper on organic fertilizers was released at
Call for proposals in the FoodIntegrity project, 2015 Link
The FIRE meeting in Germany, 26.05.2015 Link
INEMAD project meeting in Budapest on the 6-7th of October, 2014 Link
The EIP AGRI Fertllization horticulture focus group meeting in Almeria (Spain) on the 21-22 of October Link
The EIP AGRI Fertllization horticulture focus group meeting in Alicante (Spain) on the 3-4 of June 2014 Link
The agreement between the Ministry of Rural Development -Chamber of Agriculture and EON: The National Biogas Programme (2014) Link
INEMAD meeting Croatia Link
INEMAD Poster Link
INEMAD project presentation at Gödöllő: on the 30th of August was organised at the Szent István University the Gazdaháló Konferencia 2012, where participants in the Rural development and regional cooperation section got an insight about the aims and tasks of the international INEMAD project (
INEMAD project meeting in Croatia: after the kick off meeting from April the 11-13th in Belgium, the project partners will hold the next meeting on the 23-25th September in Croatia. At the meeting will participate colleagues from Belgium, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, Denmark, Croatia.